Top 3 facebook animal pages to follow

By Kazim, January 29, 2019

Facebook isn’t just for chatting with friends and scrolling your feed for drama and news. Facebook also has a ton of pages to follow depending on your preferences. And if you’re an animal lover, we know a few really great Facebook pages for you!
Whether you are interested in animal-related articles, inspirational stories, or just humorous & adorable pics of the furry creatures - you came to the right place. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the top 3 Facebook animal pages to follow if you just can’t get enough of these little fellows. Keep on scrolling to check it out!

Top 3 facebook animal pages to follow

1) Animal Planet

This is the official Animal Planet Facebook page. Frequently posts unique high - quality animal photos and videos. Provides links to animal related articles, mostly on Animal Planet website. Lots of followers from all over the world.

2) Animals Australia

The official Facebook page of Australia’s most prominent animal protection organization. Posts animal rights related videos, articles, inspirational stories and photos. Campaigns for animal protection and conservation. Has and a donate option for those who want to sponsor the non-profit organization.

3) Animals In Predicaments

Animals In Predicaments features mostly humorous photos and videos of domestic and wild animals. However, it also spreads information regarding animal rights and abuse of animals. Shares links to articles that discuss topical animal related issues. Also gives a link to their online T-shirt shop. 

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